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Kola Akingbade For

Mayor 2024

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The Clark County School District serves approximately 300,000 students, K-12, and ranks 49th out of 50, second lowest only to Hawaii Metropolitan School District. Among national test score results, Clark County School District (CCSD) ranks 39% proficient in reading, and a dismal 21% proficient in math! 

With a graduation rate of 83%, which is about average when considering all public schools in the country, the low scores and high graduation rate begs the question, why is there such a disparity? Are the standards for our student low, so that they meet the graduation requirements?

Are the graduation requirements low so that a high percentage of students actually receive high school diplomas?


At the present time, an interim Superintendent is at the helm of the District, following the ousting of the former Superintendent.

A search for a new top educator MUST have, as the number one criterion:

Previous experience as a superintendent of a failing school district, whose plans and programs turned the District around. This forward-thinking Superintendent will have to understand that teacher salaries are tied to teacher performance. Teacher/student ratios are important. Even in the smallest school districts, it has been proved the large class sizes net poor results.


As Mayor, I will be hands-on when it comes to the education of our students. There is nothing inferior about them, and they deserve the best education possible. Let’s get out of the basement and prepare students who can compete with any student in the country.

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