Kola Akingbade For
Mayor 2024
The Homesless In Las Vegas
Certainly, there are many victims of homelessness in ANY metropolis, and in Las Vegas, has shown a rise in 2022-23. The last count shows over 6,500 homeless individuals in our city: specifically Southern Las Vegas. These numbers, of course, include babies and children.
When we look at the causes of homelessness, there are so many different reasons; this is the main cause that there is no one way to abate or end the problem. Within this growing population in our city, people move their families here believing they can find work, but unfortunately, they can’t, and find themselves in hopeless situations. Some never recovered after Covid. Then again, we must recognize that some of our homeless suffer from mental illnesses.
Much is being done to address the homeless problem, but I suggest to you a task force that can identify individual problems and apply targeted assistance to this population. If a man is not suffering from a loss of blood, a blood transfusion is not needed. It might even kill him! So, these task forces would be regional, and comprised of our social service teams, veterans, and others who are willing to partner with us, working with individuals and families to find the reason and solution for each, then connecting them with the services they need. We will also work to build permanent shelters, and continue partnerships with landlords to house people with at least some income but not able to pay full rent.
It would be advantageous to study remedies implemented by other cities that have been successful, and adopt their best practices, and put them in place where appropriate.
We will enforce the no-loitering laws on the strip and around our Freemont Area. We give the unsheltered their choice of destination or deliver them to a shelter.
We need more Funding to alleviate that which has now become a big problem in the Silver City.